Fall 2024 Individual Course Descriptions


  • BIB 120 - Survey of Old Testament Literature: This course provides an overview of every book of the Old Testament and gives attention to special issues such as Creation, the covenants, and the prophecies that lead to Christ’s first and second comings. The student is taught how to apply the practical principles of the Old Testament to Ministry and practical Christian living.
    Meets Mondays, Tuesdays, & Fridays 8:00AM-8:50AM (3 Credits)

  • ENG 110 - Writing and Research: This course covers basic writing and research skills needed for college-level work. Students will learn the fundamentals of effective writing. The skills learned in this class will aid students in every other class requiring written papers and research. Students will also gain life skills learning how to research information.
    Meets Wednesdays, 8:00AM-10:50AM (3 Credits)

  • HST 120 - Church History: This course is a survey of the history of Christianity from its beginnings to the 21st century. It explores significant people, movements, events, and theological developments that have shaped the church. Special attention is given to considering how insights from the Christian past inform contemporary faith and practice.

    Meets Tuesdays, 10:00AM-11:50AM & Fridays, 10:00AM-10:50AM (3 Credits)

  • SOC 110 - Foundations for Life: This course is designed to provide information that is foundational to college academic success and personal, social, and spiritual growth. Topics are focused in four areas: college-level academic skills, life management skills, relationship issues, and personal spiritual development.
    Meets Mondays, Tuesdays, & Fridays 9:00AM-9:50AM (3 Credits)

  • THE 210 - Christian Evidences: This course is designed to train students to give a solid, logical defense for their faith. Emphasis is placed on the use of evidence, God’s existence, the Scriptures, Bible prophecy, the life and work of Christ, assorted objections to Christianity, the Bible’s relationship to science, the Great Flood, and Evolution/Creation.
    Meets Mondays. 10:00AM-11:50AM & August 23, 26, 28, 30 & September 3 8:30AM-3:30PM (4 Credits)


Fall 2024 Weekly Schedule


Financial Information

For individual courses, tuition is $135 per credit (e.g. $405 for a 3 credit class).

Anyone who wishes to audit a class would pay $100 per course.

For former ITE graduates who wish to earn their associate degree, tuition is $360 per course ($120 per credit). Talk with Taunya about what classes you will need to complete your degree.