Spring 2025 Individual Course Descriptions
JanUARY 13th - May 14th
BIB 125 Survey of New Testament Literature: This course surveys the entire New Testament with special emphasis on the life of Christ and the growth of the early church. Special attention is given to the historical and cultural background of the first century and its influence on the teachings of Christ and the church. Evangelism and the principles of Christian living are emphasized in the epistles of Paul, John and Peter.
Meets Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 8:00AM-8:50AM (3 Credits)BIB 210 Biblical Exposition (Books of Daniel and Revelation): This is an exposition of a book of the Bible that is not offered in another class. The book that will be studied is at the discretion of the instructor and may vary from year to year.
Meets Tuesdays 10:30AM-11:45AM and Fridays 10:30AM-11:45AM (3 Credits)HUM 220 Principles of Worship: This course will look at worship from a broad aspect, examining the various expressions of worship, both individually and corporately. Students will be challenged to examine their understanding of worship as well as various aspects and expressions of worship, individually and corporately. Throughout, the attributes of God will also be studied to gain greater understanding of who God is and why we worship Him.
Meets Mondays 9:00AM-10:50AM and Wednesdays 9:00AM-9:50AM (3 Credits)PHL 110 Philosophy of Ministry: This course will focus on foundational ideas, attitudes, worldviews and objectives for Christian life and ministry. Special emphasis will be placed on developing a personal biblical worldview, and on making ministry a lifestyle.
Meets Block Class (Jan. 13-15, 17) 8:30AM-3:30PM and Mondays 11:00AM-11:50AM (3 Credits)THE 250 Biblical Theology: This course surveys the redemptive-historical narrative of the whole Bible culminating in Christ with an emphasis on major biblical-theological themes such as covenant, God's glory, kingdom, messiah, mission, the people of God, and temple. Special attention will be given to the New Testament use of the Old Testament, typology, and theological systems which seek to explain the unity and diversity of the Bible. This course will put the Bible together in such a way that students will understand how all the pieces fit together to make up the whole.
Meets Tuesdays 9:00AM-10:15AM and Fridays 9:00AM-10:15AM (3 credits)
Spring 2025 Weekly Schedule
Financial Information
For individual courses, tuition is $135 per credit (e.g. $405 for a 3 credit class).
Anyone who wishes to audit would pay $100 per course.
For former ITE graduates who wish to earn their associate degree, tuition is $360 per course ($120 per credit). Talk with Taunya about what classes you will need to complete your degree.